Nowadays, energy greatly needed to do daily activity whether is housed or in industry. Energy that is today no longer can accommodate our country population this in the future. Energy source like oil and gas dwindling. As such alternative source other needed. Answer was nuclear energy consumption. Nuclear energy or known as atomic energy use heavy atoms such as namely uranium and plutonium as the basic material. Nuclear energy have been found on year 1896 by a physicist French that called Henri Becquerel. Nuclear energy absolved by three processes exothermic, namely "Radioactive decay ", which involves one protons or neutron in radioactive nucleus that decaying pass released whether particles, electromagnetic radiation (such as gamma ray), neutrino or all once; "nuclear fission, that split one heavy nucleus into two (or rarely three) nucleus that much lighter; and "nuclear fusion, which combines two nucleus atom to form one nucleus that heavier. Most nuclear energy use material uranium 235, unstable nucleus are bombarded with neutrons. When it hit with a neuron, the nucleus will split in two nuclei, more neutrons as well as energy in the form of heat and light. The new neutrons will bombard nuclei the rest that around him. This process will recurring. With abundant supply of unstable nuclei and neutrons, the repeated cycles will cause chain reaction producing enormous energy.
First I would like to talk about the advantages using nuclear energy. Nuclear energy’s advantages of using was cheap for long term due to energy source purchase cost that cheap namely uranium. Not like plant which uses coal which requires stone source of coal every day. A tonne uranium can make more energy compared application of some million tonnes of coal or a few million barrel oil. According Peter Chin Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister (2010), Malaysia has approved a proposal to set up a nuclear power plant which will start operating from 2021. Apart from that, nuclear energy also were clean because it does not produce any smoke during the operation. It is not pollute air because it does not produce like carbon, methane, ozone and CFC when operate. In this matter, it will help reduce greenhouse effect. Nuclear plant construction does not require operation area that large and wide. For long term, nuclear energy can produce electricity that cheaper due to operating cost lower compared produced electricity use oil resources that are going up every year. As such, it very giving to benefit reason consumer fossil fuel do rise increase electric price during note.
The disadvantages using nuclear energy was risk of accidents in nuclear power plant. Nuclear energy reactor have radioactive material that should occur the problem leak very large and its impact will take time that long to lose. For example, nuclear reactor accident in Chernobyl, Russia in year 1986. This explosion had acquitted 300 times more radioactive material compared Hiroshima bombing incident. Radioactive widespread to to West's part Soviet, East and West Europe, Scandinavia's districts, British Isles and East North America. At the same time, contamination seriously happened in areas Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia to force more than 336,000 people displaced from their houses. Study that provided by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and World Health Organization (WHO), show that happen 56 deaths immediately. While, estimated in 6.6 million people that was open to the explosion radiation, 9000 of them expected will succumbing various type of cancer disease. Nuclear Professor In Medical, Masterskill Medical College, Prof. Datuk Dr. Proom Promwichit(2010) said, during nuclear generator plant leakages incident Fukushima Daiichi in Japan aftermath of the earthquake incident measuring 8.9 in effects of radiation Richter scale only revolving around plant involved as temperature in that area only estimated 300 degrees Celsius. According to him more, if temperature in the area exceeding 1,000 degrees Celsius, effects of radiation are going up to atmospheric layer and afford spread until this country. According to Azrina Binti Sobian (2010) is four types of radiation namely alpha, beta, gamma and neutron. Alpha radiation was radiation that cannot penetrating skin and able to be hindered by merely using a piece of paper, however, it very sensitive and afford brings on danger to lungs. Beta radiation on the other hand can penetrate human body but not able to penetrate aluminum paper layer. Likewise radiation gamma that can penetrate human body. The radiation the stronger ones need some lead meter or concrete to check the penetration. While radiation neutron usually occurs within nuclear reactor and able to penetrate lead and concrete. Either nuclear lacking energy is that it needing high cost namely construction cost and cost hire worker. According Prof. Datuk Dr. Sukiman cost to build nuclear reactor estimated to reach RM6 billion (AS$2 billion) for strength 1,000 megawatts. To handle reactor nuclear it need expert skilled labor in nuclear field. Wage that need to be paid to them is more 3-fold than average worker. Malaysia has only about 40 people qualified doctor of philosophy degree (PhD) in nuclear field, on the other hand in Korea has more 600 owners PhD in that field. Apart from that, disadvantages to build reactor nuclear, is local community's protest. This complicates and delay reactor nuclear plant's building process. Such as that happened recently, on 6th of May 2010 Selangor state protest reactor nuclear construction in the area. According Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, Selangor also prepared reduce energy consumption in terms of light and study new technology which uses a minimum energy than rely in nuclear power plant such as proposed.
In conclusion, although nuclear energy consumption have evil however to support energy source at a time will dating it very needed. Nuclear energy many used as energy source in developed countries like America, France and Japan in fact China and Southern Korea also use nuclear energy. As such, direction becomes a developed country in 2020, sensible Malaysia using nuclear energy as the energy source.
Note:- Ini merupakan asignment english aku. Tak sangka sungguh dapat 80% markah. Padahal pada masa sekolah dulu, aku selalu fail dalam english. Thx to my tutor...
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Part A – Good - Hardly any grammatical errors, appropriate and effective word choice and usage. Clear thesis statement. Paragraph adequately elaborated with relevant examples to support points. Essay is organized according to all the listed sections provided. Content has introduction, body and conclusion. Discussion on relevant and recent information on the building of nuclear reactors and some introductory information on countries that have opted for nuclear energy had adequate details and details were well organized. Properly developed paragraph in the essay with elaboration on at least three main advantages of nuclear energy. Writing is coherent.